Chapter 7: July Post

Written by: Monae Marestin

This Chapter And Author Raised Funds For Planned Parenthood & The Trevor Project

Monae is a person who has lived all their life in California. They weren’t able to participate in any actual competitive sports or be allowed to do much outside of home growing up due to being born with complex heart problems and not knowing what the future held, so they grew up taking on hobbies that they can do such as cooking, baking, but mostly drawing and animation. However, when they became a young adult, they decided to start a new hobby, writing. At first, the passion for it would come and go. But eventually, when they decided to finally open up a small Etsy shop called MonsterNaeNae. When they opened a writing commission listing, it became their most popular listing so far.


Chapter 6: June Post


Chapter 8: August Post