Chapter 8: August Post

Written By: LeeAnne Kersten

This Chapter & Author Raised Funds For The Kids In Need Foundation

LeeAnne Kersten is a special education teacher for elementary school students. When she isn’t teaching, you can finder her playing with her dogs, watching movies, or reading. She is starting her master’s degree and looking forward to learning more about her field of study. LeeAnne is from New Mexico and has lived in the desert for all of her life. In a big city that often feels small, she fell into the hobby of writing fiction.

LeeAnne is currently working on various fan fiction series, as well as an original piece that will be published soon. She also writes made-to-order stories on her Etsy page.

You can find LeeAnne on Archive of Our Own:

Or on Etsy:


Chapter 7: July Post


Chapter 9: September Post